USEFUL NOTE: BRAND SYSTEM. Fundamentals. Brand identity.

The big brands tend to delegate identity to branding agencies. Because it is the most creative of all the elements of the brand house and that's the one that requires specific creative skills.

Brand identity refers to the physical form of the brand's personality. The unique way the brand's expresses itself, it's look and feel, the sound, the taste, the smell.

We use a brand identity system to provide clear and enduring guidelines for a brand that ensure a unique, yet consistent brand experience across communications. Be it product, packaging, equipment, retail, digital, licensing activities. Brand identity standards are an ongoing commitment by a brand to maintain authenticity of the brand and help build and sustain its equity through time.

Brand esteem.

Brand identity is creative but also incredibly strategic. It is the process involved in creating a unique image for a brand in consumers' minds.

Establish a significant and differentiate a presence in the market that attracts new customers and retains loyal ones. 

Brand identity ensures the brand design encompasses just so much more than a logo.

It is intended to present the core idea of a brand with impact, brevity and immediacy. As such, it expresses the values and the ambitions of the brand that it encapsulates its very DNA.

It must live and be consistent on all medium. Looking at the parts, the brand identity that are mostly related to design including logos, corporate colors, layouts, names, etc. That is all those elements that represent a brand as a symbol. Other parts of brand identity will focus on communications on pack or advertising or public relations and other product-related activities.

We have to first understand the main touch points that can form such a system:
These touch points include typography, colours, layout, photography and illustrations,

tone of voice, and of course, sounds. 

All of these different touch points together, I refer to as a brand's look and feel, and they not only bring the brand to life. They should work together to increase brand recognition, and build what Byron Sharp has eloquently named mental availability.

It refers to the probability of a consumer noticing, recognizing, and thinking of your brand in a given buying situation.

Brands are making themselves easier to be accessed in consumer memories in more buying situations, almost owning a buying situation. 

The way to increase mental availability is to create distinctive assets. 

Get noticed properly, and refresh brand make memories, and be consistent. In all of these, brand identity played a huge role.

